The view from my craft room

The view from my craft room
New adventures are ahead for us!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Fireplace Mantle

The fireplace mantle is a thing of beauty in my opinion.  Larry's happy with how it turned out.  Our neighbors gave us some wood planks that they had cut from an old Elm tree that was destined to die.  It's been in their barn for quite a long time, amid the hay and birds.  You'll see a "before" picture and the finished product.  It took Larry quite a long time, but it turned out exactly like we hoped.  I'm very proud of him.  He also added some woodwork to the ends of the two hallways which help differentiate between the dining area and the great room.  It looks so much nicer than just the end of the wall.

This is the "pillar" that Larry added to both sides of the
opening between the great room and the dining area.
Really makes a difference!

Elm, with all it's personality... LOL.  It's great wood, very hard
and cleans up very pretty.  The grain, once it is planed out flat and
squared up, turned out just perfect!

Mantle piece is up, it's solid elm with a maple bottom cap.
Now for the finishing touches...

Now to put up our Mantle Clock and maybe some candles...

Loving it!!!

I have found that if you want to see the pictures a little bit better, just double click on one of them and it will bring them all up in whatever program you view pictures.  It only does it for the pictures in that post, so you would have to do it again for a different posting.  Enjoy!  I know I am... 

Garden Progress

It's coming right along!  Green stuff popping up everywhere.  I am so thrilled, just can't wait to pick my first produce and eat truly fresh veggies!!!

Garlic in the front, various onions, asparagus and even
the zucchini and cucumbers!

It's so whispy, you can't hardly see it, but it is
asparagus!  Can't eat it the first year, supposed to
wait for the second year's crop to cut and eat.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day.  I know I did.  I got a lavender plant.  Larry said since the garden is doing so well, he got me this plant instead of flowers.  We planted it at the end of the big front porch.  Will be able to see it from the master bedroom and from the front porch.  A beautiful day it was, talked with our kids and talked with my Mom.  I'm truly blessed!!!  And a bit spoiled... LOL

It sure is pretty!  Hope it grows as well as the rest
of the garden is so far.

Garden is popping up!

Yes, I have started something green growing!!! I'm so excited.  Those of you who know me well know that I have the ability to kill a silk plant, let alone grow something.  I actually have radishes, two kinds of onions and garlic starting to show green stuff above the ground!  At least that's what I think they are, the little placard for each has blown away and I'm not sure which row I put what in... LOL. Thought the first one was a weed, but didn't pull it just in case.  Good thing!

Radishes poking out where I planted

I must have dropped some radish seeds
as they are all in a clump where I did
not plant them... LOL

White onions starting to show more green.  There was some
part sticking up out of the ground when I planted them,
but they are getting taller and greener.

I believe this is a yellow onion...

Not actually sure what this is, I believe
it may be a white onion. 

This is a weed... pulled it!   LOL