The view from my craft room

The view from my craft room
New adventures are ahead for us!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

More walls! Inside Ones

Well, things are progressing right along.  We have inside walls now.

This first picture is getting the "mote" filled in around the house.  It's a lot easier to get in and out of the structure now.

Just a few day ago, I woke to visitors in the front yard.  It's not a great picture, but it's two deer just roaming around.  Of course, when I took the first picture the flash went off and they both raised their heads staring in my direction.  About a week ago our dog Jake went outside to take care of business and I hear him barking.  I look outisde and he is running as fast as he can barking at the two deer which were just loping away, not running all that hard, but enough to stay ahead of Jake.  It was quite funny.  Didn't get a picture of that... sorry.

This picture was taken from the end of our driveway toward the house.

This is taken from the front door looking at the fireplace 
and the left side of the great-room.

This is the center view of the great-room and the 
kitchen area. 

This is the third picture of the great-room looking 
at the guest room and hallway.  If you put this and the previous two picture
together side-by-side they are the view from the front door.

This is taken from the front room toward the master bedroom.  The rooms
are a LOT bigger than I thought they would be.  It's amazing how it looks bigger
with walls than it did without any walls.  I was afraid it was going to be 
too small, although don't get me wrong... I don't want to be doing a lot
of cleaning.  LOL

So, now we are waiting for the trusses so that they can put the roof on and then it won't matter if it rains.

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