The view from my craft room

The view from my craft room
New adventures are ahead for us!

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Picture of property

A lot of people have been asking about what the property looks like and how big it is.  Well, our neighbor has an ultralight and he went out last spring and took pictures of several people's places around our neighborhood.  Here are a couple of pictures of our house and property.

This is the house viewed from the front.
Running left to right is Ritz Road.
We chose to put the house "crooked"
on the property so the back porch will
face where the two creeks come

This is a view from behind the house.  Our property runs along
Ritz Road let to right, then top to bottom along a path.  You
can kind of see the path, it's where the line of reddish trees
are along the right side.  Then we go all the way to the left
along the outside of the tree-line.  Next, turn up again toward
Ritz Road and follow where the grass is cut verses the open
field next to us.  The property is fairly square, just under 11
acres.  The house pretty much sits in the center. 

Here's a view from behind again, a larger area in the picture.
 You can see the tree-lines.  The creeks run from Ritz Road
to the back and from right to left amongst the trees along
the back of our property.  There's a small pool where the
two creeks meet.  Our plans are to make a sitting area close
by the pool.  It's soooo peaceful back in there, love taking
hikes in the spring and summer!
So, hopefully that answers some of the questions.  There's lots of room and Jake, our dog, is loving it all.  Of course, he seldom gets out of our sight; but when I go hiking, he follows right along, even crossing the creek if it's cold water or not.

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