The view from my craft room

The view from my craft room
New adventures are ahead for us!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

More wood-working and other things too!

Larry's been busy too, he's been making lots of things for the house.  He is almost finished with a shelving unit for my sewing room, can't wait for that!

Larry made this coat rack for the interior hallway just off
the garage coming into the house.  It looks great and gets
used quite often.

This is the coat rack that Larry made for the garage.  We will
be hanging our heavier coats and snow-wear on this one.
It's full already, but should be empty soon when I can pack
away the winter coats.  The lettering is Latin, it means
 "For God and Family"
This is my "storage wall" in my sewing room.  This is the
before picture.  Larry is almost done with the shelves to
replace this mess.  I'll post that when it's done... soon!

The picture on the left was sent to us from Larry's sister, Brenda.
She painted it for us.  It started out as the view from our
front porch in Tucson, but we're not quite sure where the
river came into play, but it is beautiful!  We hung it close
to Larry's father's medals and such.

Snow plow for the Ranger.  It works sooo good.  Larry would
plow the driveway and the road behind the house with the
 tractor before we got this.  He cut his time from 2 hours to
only 1/2 hour to do the same thing.  Lots of less time in the
cold.  Plus, this has some protection from the wind, where
 the tractor is totally open.  It was definitely a good investment!

This is from my mom.  I love it!  It will be
hung in my sewing room as soon as it gets
a little more organized and I can find the
 perfect spot for it.

Nancy (on left) made a "Take-5" quilt.  Jan is on the right side.
Nancy had her daughter from down state and a friend (Val) over;
and in one day, they all three made a Take-5.  It was the first
quilt for both her daughter and Val.  They enjoyed it a lot. 
Nancy placed her blocks very different from the pattern. 
She took all four #1 blocks and made a block, the same
with #2 thru #5.  She did have to make an additional #1 block,
 but that was very original, she did a great job! 

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